Monday, 10 April 2017

Documentary Script


script original made bye Zak

Script edit

Montage of children in sex-ed class
On screen text - ‘Current British sex-education claims “it involves teaching children about … sexuality. It doesn’t promote … any particular sexual orientation.” Source:’

On screen text - ‘Yet over half of secondary school children have not discussed LGBT+ relationships in the classroom. Source: Stonewall Chief Exec Ruth Hunt.’

TITLE: ‘The Birds, The Bees and The Rainbows.’

Lead up to int w/ Skye

Interview in vision
SYNC - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, pronouns.)

SYNC - Recounts poor LGBT+ representation from secondary education. Discusses bullying and whether better sex ed could minimise it.

SYNC -  How poor representation affected realizing and accepting identity. Where they found the information.

On-screen text: It's basically as if trans people don't exist within the concept of sex, nor LGBT people at all. The only couples that we talk about are cis straight ones. [It’s] crushing because it feels like there's no space for you in the world.  - Libby (14, Non-Binary)

Sequence to introduce Molly and parents, Debbie and Darrell - Molly doing homework, Debbie and Darrell prepping dinner etc

SYNC - Molly - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, pronouns.)

SYNC - Explains recently had sex-ed and topics covered. Explains LGBTQ+ rep is poor.

Actuality of Darrell fixing Debbie’s hair
And interview in motion
SYNC - Darrell and Debbie - Do they think it’s appropriate for children to be learning about LGBTQ+ issues. Would they feel able to answer questions from Molly?

On-Screen text: With schools unable to answer questions and parents sometimes unwilling, some people turn to the media and internet sources for information.

SYNC - Chloe -  Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, pronouns.)

SYNC - Felt sex-ed was pointless and turned to tv/internet for information. Struggled with identity because of poor ed, similar to parents and friends.

On-screen text: Images from the media are often heteronormative and rely on stereotypes to quickly tell audiences about a character.
TV footage of stereotypical homosexual characters, powerful men and sexualised women.

Actuality - Teachers teaching a class of secondary school teachers.
SYNC - Teacher - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, job role.)

SYNC - It’s a struggle to keep immature students interested, staff aren’t always appropriately qualified.

Actuality - Students discussing work in group.
SYNC - Students - Explaining their understanding of gender and sexual diversity and where this information came from.

SYNC - Students discussing how comfortable they’d feel asking about LGBTQ+ issues and whether they’d fear judgement from classmates.

Actuality - MGSDC Rep speaking to a group of students
SYNC - Sex Educator - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, job role.)

SYNC - Explains work the organisation does. Discusses the need for sex educators and why school sex ed is failing students.

On-screen text: In countries such as X, policies are Y and statistics are Z

SYNC - Introduction of self, country educated in and experience with sex-ed and it’s discussion of LGBT people.


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