Friday, 31 March 2017

Documentary Gires

Gires is a gender identity research and education society that helps individuals with understanding and helping people who are a LGBT person.

(Although GIRES works with a number of major organisations, it never loses touch with the needs of the individual gender non-conforming people and their families, whether members or not, who seek its help every day. Each gender non-conforming individual faces the challenges of being themselves within families, education, the workplace and social settings, where they may experience discrimination and even violence. In the UK, around 650,000 people, 1% of the population, are estimated to experience some degree of gender non-conformity. Most of them are as yet invisible. However, information via the internet, stronger laws, more support groups, increasingly responsible media reporting and improving healthcare are contributing to rapid growth in the number of gender non-conforming people confident in being visible, especially among the young. The growth rates of those seeking medical care are +20% p.a. among adults (who currently account for the majority cases) and 50% p.a. among young people. This growth looks set to continue. About 26,000 individuals have so far sought medical care, in general practice or specialist centres, but a further 100,000 may do so in the near future. GIRES and the other support groups receive a stream of requests for help from individuals with a wide range of needs, for instance: a child not being allowed to use the appropriate toilet in school; a wife who has just learned that her spouse intends to change gender role; an employee intending to undergo transition at work; a patient being denied proper gender reassignment treatment.)

Growth in number seeking medical help – Now +20% p.a.
Graph showing growth in number seeking medical help – Now +20% p.a
The Gires company this is what they put as how they help people with who are going through deling with and are a LGBT person.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Documentary Goverment Form

 Sex and Relationship Form

This is a Government form talking about the way and how the government dose with children when talking about ( Sex and Relationship Education Guidance) is what the form covers and tells teachers on how to go about it with different ages.

Documentary Idea


So me and group which includes Danny Lewis, Victoria Simmonds and Zak Wilkins we have gone through multiple ideas.

Image result for transgender flag

From transgender and what they went through growing up but we decided to go with sex education within schools and how they teach it and have they included how to deal with different situations such as transgender, non binary etc.

Image result for non binary flag