Questions over Port of Sheerness Wind Farm Ltd plans for four wind turbines in the docks after fresh details submitted
Plans to build four wind turbines in Sheerness Docks could be revived.
Swale council originally gave the go-ahead to Port of Sheerness Wind Farm Ltd to build the 125m tall structures in March 2009.
But work to construct them along the Lappel Bank never got under way.
There was fierce opposition to the scheme at the time, particularly from Queenborough residents.
Details relating to the original application were submitted to Swale council this week, leading to questions about whether the company will now move forward with its original plans.
They include a layout showing the site’s boundary and office facilities to be used by contractors and for the storage of equipment, which it says are to be used after March this year.
It also includes a piling risk assessment which is a report setting out how boring into the reclaimed land to be used for the turbines will be carried out and whether there are any dangers of contamination.
Peel Ports said in October 2011 it was not planning to proceed with the development in the short term.
It said it would review its options when a decision was made about the Vestas plan to build an off-shore turbine manufacturing base at the port.
The Danish company later pulled out of proposals to take over 70 hectares of land for the plant, which might have created 2,000 jobs.
It had been thought construction of the wind farm would have started in early 2011 but this did not go ahead.
At the time of going to press, a representative from the Port of Sheerness Wind Farm Ltd was unavailable for comment so it is unclear exactly when it intends to begin construction or if it will need to resubmit for permission as five years have passed since it was first approved.
This information is from Kent Online link: