Wednesday, 16 November 2016


costumes- costumes are very to what the era was in 1891 such as Image result for sherlock holmes game of shadows  clothing Image result for 19th century clothing men

very true to clothing of the century. men normally where suits to show power and manly hood. clothing such as waistcoat, shirt and suits.

you can see from the clothing of these guys that they are clearly bad from there dark clothing and slick look you can say it is very Nazi connected with uniforms which would explain a lot since the it is suppose to be in Germany.

powerpoint-clothing during the time was.

lighting/colours- the colouring is very dime but with characters faces they are light up to show more expression and detail to the characters. when there is an explosion or a bullet being shot its very in tense lighting to show very real gun fight .
                 Image result for sherlock holmes game of shadows slow mo sceneImage result for sherlock holmes game of shadows little hanselRelated image

Powerpoint- the lighting and colours is very interesting.

stage directions-there movements are very ecstatic very real like when they fall over showing they are struggling to get away at  the same time trying not to get shot.

Powerpoint- stage directions.

make up- he make up is very natural. the blood on Sherlock is very good it was  from earlier when he was hooked up on a meat hook from  Moriarty  and the mud on there clothing and faces.

powerpoint- make up natural and blood.

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