Friday, 6 May 2016

Evaluation Documentary

Evaluation Documentary

The beginning of the this documentary unit we have had a number of ideas and  within my group but we have had a number of problems but a number off good things that have happened  when we first where thinking of are ideas with the documentary we had to make shore that the documentary was to do with wildlife so we all individually came up with ideas i had the idea of talking about how what the difference is with life between zoo life and domesticated pets and how they live but we finally decided to go with Sam Elliott's idea which was to go with talking about wind turbines and how they effect birds and other wildlife we first started with organising who was going to do what.

When we figured that out we contacted local workers and The RSPB and other contributors that are involved with the wind turbines we got contact numbers and people that would be up with having a meeting and a interview. 

There where other problems but where sorted out very quickly within are group but unfortunately some things we couldn't change but had to think of some alternative ways of showing what we wanted with the documentary.

We finally went on are shoot there where some more difficulties with the location and people that we where suppose to have interviews with but couldn't.

After we had what we wanted with footage we started to edit what we had and started to do are commentary for the documentary which went well we had to move a lot of things around with the editing but was figured out very well then we had finally done every thing that we needed to do.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Documentary and Recording

Documentary and Recording

The script for the documentary has gone through a lot of changes since the beginning of the working process of the documentary.

The picture above shows a part of the final script for the documentary but the amount of changes that we have done to the script has been either a major change or a small change but every change that we have done to the script has been good changes that have made a major impact to how the documentary is al a hole. 

The recording for commentary for the documentary went very good we had a few things we had to change with the words that Josh Bayly had to say that just didn't sound that right or just didn't work well.

Faversham Video

Faversham Video

The finished video for the Faversham trip it went well it shoed a nice variation of shots and ares  in Faversham.

The sort of story that me and Leo went with was showing meat from a butchers to a stool going through the streets of Faversham through the market.

Link to video:

Faversham Trip

Faversham Trip

So we went to Faversham town to do a work shop on how to work on location when doing a documentary it was to help us tell a story without having a idea of what to tell but use your shots to tell a story.

For this workshop we had to work in pairs I was paired Leo Baruzzo he is a good team mate he had good ideas on what to film and some good visual ideas on how to shoot curtain arias.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Self Help

Self Help

I have realised that I have not put all I have into doing everything but I have and my team have worked together well when we first started but slowly when we got more involved into the documentary we separated each doing are own thing but still doing work together but not always getting what we wanted at the time.

I think a lot to do with why we slowly separated as a team is to with the fact that we didn't organise when we where going to do something in fall extent and really know what everybody was doing at the time.

But luckily  we have talked to each other after are filming and agreed that we need to be more verbally and fiscally be doing something as a team at thee same time and now when not to be. 

Me as a person when I am involved in the team I realised I mite be clueless at some points with the team on what we are doing at the time but i have become better at what we do as a team.

Start to End

Start To End

when we first started with making up are ideas in are group we had to make the documentary around nature my group had quit a few ideas on what they wanted to do. I had the idea of doing a documentary on the difference between zoo animals and home pets and how they live and sleep day bye day.

The others in my group Sam, Josh and Troy they had ideas such as showing what a dog would go through from being a stray to being rescued and going home with a new owner. Troy wanted to do a documentary on barn owls. and Sam wanted to do a documentary on wind turbines which is the documentary idea that we went with and that Helene are course leader liked the most and we agreed.