Lost Animals
A dog has been reunited with her owner after spending more than a week lost in below freezing temperatures, gales and torrential rain in Dumfries and Galloway.
Phoebe, a 1o year old Chinese Crested Powder Puff, disappeared during a walk but was reunited with her owner, Debbie Bradley-Kyle, from Dumfries this week after she spent days and nights searching for her beloved pet, even launching a campaign on social media to try and find her.
Local news report that she is believed to have spent much of the time sheltering however possible in bushes in the Colvend Golf Course and nearby Portling farm areas.
Debbie spent her spare time hunting for the dog and there was a big Facebook campaign to try and find Phoebe, who had only been re-homed about eight weeks ago.
Speaking with ITV local news she said: “I had almost given up hope after a week for it was -6 degrees the first night she was out and then we had storms and we couldn’t find her.”
“We were out walking when she was ‘spooked’ at Douglas Hall and took off. We searched everywhere but couldn’t find her and it was only this week that a friend who lives on the farm with her partner, said she’d take me down and search the fields.”
“Becky Ross and myself searched a couple of days but couldn’t find her but she eventually found Phoebe. After the weekend I didn’t think there was much hope for her because of the temperatures and the rainfall but eventually Becky found her.”
“I only got Phoebe about eight weeks ago from a lady in Dumfries who is ill. Phoebe was found in a bush while I was searching further along at Kippford.”
Debbie added: “There was quite a big Facebook campaign and more than 600 people shared the initial picture, and from what I can understand there’s been about 50 or 60 people out looking for her.”
“I would like to thank all these people who have been out searching for her. At first you think you’re going to find her but as time went on I was fearing the worst.”
Now back and having been checked over by a local vet, Phoebe’s grateful owner said: “She has had injections and antibiotics but apart from that the vet said she was a very lucky dog. It’s really great to get her back.”
the link to this in formation link: http://www.dognews.co.uk/missing-dog-returns-home-spending-week-lost-freezing-temperatures/
Animal Search UK is the leading search service for missing pets in Britain. We specialise in helping to reunite owners with lost or stolen pets. Our web site is free to use, provides local and nationwide coverage and lots including free help and advice for people who have lost or found a pet and are wondering what best to do.
Lost a cat? We have over 50,000 Pet Patrollers, covering the whole of the UK, on our Pet Patrol scheme. These animal loving people have kindly agreed to help keep an eye out for missing pets in their area, giving immediate reassurance that you are not alone in finding your pet.
Found a lost dog? Notify us for FREE! We will do the rest. We match similar locations and pet descriptions to quickly produce a match for potential pets to be returned to their owner as soon as possible.
This is there quick information they give you on what to do.
Advice for finding a missing or lost cat
When your cat goes missing it can be an extremely stressful time. Some cats do stay out for longer periods than others, especially in the summer months. However, if you are concerned that your cat is lost or missing we have listed some useful tips below.
Link to the information: https://www.petlog.org.uk/pet-owners/advice-for-finding-a-missing-or-lost-cat/
Lost and Found
Is your cat missing?
If your cat or kitten has gone missing, don't despair. Most return of their own accord, sometimes several days later. However, here are some steps you can take to try and help. Remember, the sooner you start looking and reporting your cat as lost the sooner you are likely to find them.
If your cat or kitten has gone missing, don't despair. Most return of their own accord, sometimes several days later. However, here are some steps you can take to try and help. Remember, the sooner you start looking and reporting your cat as lost the sooner you are likely to find them.
Look in...
◦All rooms
◦Household appliances, eg washing machines.
◦Sheds and garages.
◦Vehicles - cats sometimes climb under the warm engine bay.
◦Hedgerows - watch for snares.
◦Lost and found section of your local newspaper
◦Walk around the area and call your cat, waiting and listening.
◦All rooms
◦Household appliances, eg washing machines.
◦Sheds and garages.
◦Vehicles - cats sometimes climb under the warm engine bay.
◦Hedgerows - watch for snares.
◦Lost and found section of your local newspaper
◦Walk around the area and call your cat, waiting and listening.
◦Local veterinary surgeons. If your cat is microchipped then mention this when reporting to the vet
◦To find a list of vets near you www.any-uk-vet.co.uk.
◦Local schools - children are observant as regards animals
◦Local RSPCA
◦The cleansing department of your local council
◦Your postman and milkman
◦Websites such as Animal Search / my moggy.com / pet search uk / Lost Pets UK
◦Newspaper delivery person
◦Phone or e-mail Cat Search(01303 275942) to find out if your cat has been reported as straying.
◦Posters on trees, distribute leaflets to shops, Post Offices, garages.
◦Local schools, newspapers, radio
◦Local notice boards, including a recent photograph of your missing cat
◦Offer a reward - It can be helpful to offer a small reward but it is important not to specify any particular sum of money on the poster. The words “Reward Offered” are enough to focus attention
◦Local veterinary surgeons. If your cat is microchipped then mention this when reporting to the vet
◦To find a list of vets near you www.any-uk-vet.co.uk.
◦Local schools - children are observant as regards animals
◦Local RSPCA
◦The cleansing department of your local council
◦Your postman and milkman
◦Websites such as Animal Search / my moggy.com / pet search uk / Lost Pets UK
◦Newspaper delivery person
◦Phone or e-mail Cat Search(01303 275942) to find out if your cat has been reported as straying.
◦Posters on trees, distribute leaflets to shops, Post Offices, garages.
◦Local schools, newspapers, radio
◦Local notice boards, including a recent photograph of your missing cat
◦Offer a reward - It can be helpful to offer a small reward but it is important not to specify any particular sum of money on the poster. The words “Reward Offered” are enough to focus attention
◦The earlier you report your cat is missing, the more likely it is that your cat will be found
◦When your cat does return, DO inform any organisations who have been asked to look for it
Have you found a cat? ◦If the cat is hungry, please feed it, and make water available, not cows milk (many cats and kittens are lactose intolerant)
◦If the cat or kitten will let you approach him, make up a paper collar with a note on saying: "If this is your cat please call this number....." so that you can ascertain whether the cat is definitely stray. Place it round the cat's neck and secure the two ends with a small piece of selotape (don't put selotape right round the whole thing as that can be dangerous if the cat gets caught up anywhere). If no-one calls in 24 hours you can be fairly sure it is most likely lost or stray, then proceed as follows...
◦Contact various rescues and vets to check if the cat is registered as missing
◦If possible, take the cat to a vet who will check for a microchip, and you can ask if anyone has reported a similar cat missing
◦Post notices around your area with a brief description of the cat and information about when and where it was found. Local shops will usually display such notices free of charge.
◦Ask neighbours if they have seen or been feeding the cat and if they know of anyone who has moved away recently or gone on holiday and left their cats at home(cats sometimes stray when they are being fed by a temporary carer)
◦Most stray cats will be looking for food and shelter. Always feed a stray and, if possible, provide a dry place for it to shelter from the weather whilst you are actively trying to find the owner
If you suspect that the cat is injured in any way or unwell or possibly pregnant then contact the nearest branch of cats Protection for further advice
Doing these things is often very successful in reuniting a cat with its owners. Please note Deal & District Cats Protection have no facilities to take cats into care.
◦If the cat or kitten will let you approach him, make up a paper collar with a note on saying: "If this is your cat please call this number....." so that you can ascertain whether the cat is definitely stray. Place it round the cat's neck and secure the two ends with a small piece of selotape (don't put selotape right round the whole thing as that can be dangerous if the cat gets caught up anywhere). If no-one calls in 24 hours you can be fairly sure it is most likely lost or stray, then proceed as follows...
◦Contact various rescues and vets to check if the cat is registered as missing
◦If possible, take the cat to a vet who will check for a microchip, and you can ask if anyone has reported a similar cat missing
◦Post notices around your area with a brief description of the cat and information about when and where it was found. Local shops will usually display such notices free of charge.
◦Ask neighbours if they have seen or been feeding the cat and if they know of anyone who has moved away recently or gone on holiday and left their cats at home(cats sometimes stray when they are being fed by a temporary carer)
◦Most stray cats will be looking for food and shelter. Always feed a stray and, if possible, provide a dry place for it to shelter from the weather whilst you are actively trying to find the owner
If you suspect that the cat is injured in any way or unwell or possibly pregnant then contact the nearest branch of cats Protection for further advice
Doing these things is often very successful in reuniting a cat with its owners. Please note Deal & District Cats Protection have no facilities to take cats into care.
Link to this information: http://www.cats.org.uk/deal/lost-and-found